Synergy of Design Collaboration

I have often discussed the synergy of Architecture and interior design, and the great value of our design and construction professionals working together for a better client experience. There is another important part of the built environment where you may want to consider a collaborative approach (project depending of course).


We are currently working on a project that is benefitting greatly from the collaboration of Residential Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Pictured below, left- Allan Wright (our in house Architect), and Wes Wirth, (Landscape Architect of Thomas Wirth Associates, Inc) work on the best approach (no pun intended) for a vehicle to enter a garage addition. This project is the perfect example of the value of a talented Land professional providing important insight in grade change, and the views from inside the building and how we can together provide our client with the best outcome by taking advantage of these synergies during the design process instead of the landscape working to correct deficiencies the architecture imposes.


In this project alone we were able to move the garage slightly to improve the owners experience from the interior of the home, provide the opportunity for a pedestrian way to a new side entry that won’t feel like a walk beside the garage, and reduce the elevation challenges inherent to the lot.


Stay tuned on more about this fabulous addition and whole house remodel in Brookline as we move from design to construction!


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